Saturday Confession
I just had a fulfilling experience cleaning my tub. No joke.I had just finished scrubbing my floor with an all natural solution found her
e. I decided to seize the moment and clean my tub while I was at it. Although it looked cleaned, it felt grimy - I think that has something to do with our hard water? Anyway, I sprinkled baking soda on the tub, and then squirted it my dish washing detergent (happened to be Seventh Generation Lemongrass and Clementine.) Needless to say, it smiled so bright and shiny and happy and clean. I surprisingly was filled with happiness to be cleaning my tub and for it to smell so gloriously clean.

That's it. I didn't have any revelation of holiness or cleanliness but I was reminded of Brother Andrews, "Practicing the Presence of God"... who found joy in being the Lord in the midst of anything He did. Teresa of Avila said "The Lord walks among the pots and pans."
I have bread dough rising on my counter. Thanks KitchenAid. You're fantastic.
I'm convinced the world has a false impression of the housewife/mother. I find serious satisfaction in clean laundry and other such "drudgery." Cleanliness is next to Godliness right? And, beyond that, what could be more satisfying than nurturing young lives? I'm convinced the majority of people have it all wrong when it comes to the housewife. I loved your post!
I love brother Lawrence and I love you! thanks for hanging out yesterday and celebrating Josh with us!
i'm a brother lawrence devotee, as well! how about madame guyon?
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