Reading, Writing, Drinking, Lighting.

I'm taking a quick break from reading in the light of my Christmas tree, which I very well my keep up through next Christmas, considering that it's the only light I have in my living room. For whatever reason, our outlets don't work on one wall in our living room. We've yet to pay an electrician. It probably should be done. However, the Christmas tree light is quite charming.

I'm reading about writing and thinking about writing.
I'm snuggled in a handmade blanket given to me by my lovely mother-in-law, who can knit just about anything, I'm convinced.
I'm sipping on delicious tea given to my from my brother, out of a beautiful mug made by the talented Aimee Herring of studio 2350. Thanks Raelynn! (It's always wonderful to have our dear Raelynn visit us for holidays and weekends. I wish she would move here soon. Hint Hint. )

Okay, back to reading and writing and reading about writing. And then perhaps to organizing the spices, butter making equipment and glass lamps I recently acquired from great great grandmothers in Wyoming. Pictures to come, I'm sure.